
Calories in a cucumber
Calories in a cucumber

Integrated Metabolome and Transcriptome Analysis Provide Insights into the Effects of Grafting on Fruit Flavor of Cucumber with Different Rootstocks. Miao L, Di Q, Sun T, Li Y, Duan Y, Wang J, Yan Y, He C, Wang C, Yu X.Transcriptome profiling reveals roles of meristem regulators and polarity genes during fruit trichome development in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Chen C, Liu M, Jiang L, Liu X, Zhao J, Yan S, Yang S, Ren H, Liu R, Zhang X.Consultée le depuis le site internet Ciqual Table de composition nutritionnelle des aliments Ciqual 2020. Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail.*Calculation made: Beta-Carotene / 6 + retinol Cucumbers contain vitamins representing less than 5% of DRVs.The other minerals and trace elements are present in cucumbers in quantities representing less than 6% of DRVs.Ĭalcul à partir de la valeur Provitamine A Béta-carotène*.The trace element best represented in cucumbers is potassium.Règlement (UE) N☁169/2011 du parlement Européen et du conseil du 25 octobre 2011 *Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods. Cucumbers are fat-free*, as they contain less than 0.5 g of fat per 100 g.The protein content of cucumbers (0.56 g per 100 g) is lower than the average amount found in raw vegetables (1.87 g per 100 g).The fibre content of cucumbers (0.80 g per 100 g) is lower than the average amount found in raw vegetables (2.43 g per 100 g).Cucumbers are low in sugar* as they contain less than 5 g per 100 g.The carbohydrate content of cucumbers (2.23 g per 100 g) is lower than the average amount found in raw vegetables (4.45 g per 100 g).Règlement (UE) N☁169/2011 du parlement Européen et du conseil du 25 octobre 2011 Gallocatechin is the major Cs in cucumber and is present at significantly higher concentrations in the peel than in the flesh ( Xu, 2019).Ĭiqual 2020 (valeur issue des analyses Ciqual-Aprifel 2017) Catechins (Cs), present in cucumber, have potential health benefits, particularly in improving chronic diseases.They observed a hypoglycaemic effect following cucumber consumption with no adverse effect on the kidneys, which may be useful in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes ( Ogbodo, 2017 ). Nigerian researchers studied the effect of cucumber consumption on plasma creatinine (Cr), urea, uric acid (Ua) and blood glucose in young students.


These results suggest that consuming cucumber with the skin on may offer more optimal health benefits than its peeled counterpart. One study found that cucumber skin extract contained the highest levels of phenolic compounds and flavonoids, as well as higher antioxidant properties ( Yunusa, 2019 ).Cucumbers contain high levels of cucurbitacins and their derivatives (triterpenoids) and flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, quercetin and kaempferol) ( Murad, 2016 ).The aroma profile of cucumber is characterised by short and medium chain alcohols and aldehydes, carotenoid and monoterpene derivatives, and sesquiterpenes as well as benzoids ( Miao, 2019 ).ĬOMPOSITION CHARACTERISTICS (excluding macronutrients, vitamins and minerals).Catechins (Cs) are the main astringent tannins that affect the oral sensory quality of cucumber fruits ( Xu, 2019 ).The sweetness and sugary taste of cucumber is provided by soluble sugars and in particular fructose, while its astringency comes from tannin compounds ( Miao, 2019 ).The odour of cucumber is characterised by the presence of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, aldehydes and alcohols ( Pramnoi, 2013 Wan, 2013 ).The pigments responsible for the colour of cucumber are chlorophylls a and b and carotenoids ( Shan, 2020 ).Cucumber is a fruit with a firm texture ( Miao, 2019 ).During fruit development, deep veins along the length cover the surface of the fruit and spaced, dense spines are randomly scattered relative to the veins ( Chen, 2014 ).The fruits are usually harvested one to two weeks after flowering ( Chen, 2014 ).PHYSICAL AND ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS The cucumber is a fruit that has been one of the most important crops in the world for over 3,000 years ( Chen, 2014 ).The cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) belongs to the Curcubitaceae family.

Calories in a cucumber